Art-Cadre Affiliate
program is an easy way to begin earning additional revenue from
your site. Simply place Art-Cadre
affiliate image with your personnal HTML code
on your site. Anytime a customer comes to Art-Cadre through one
of these links and orders a product, you earn a commission.
The Benefits
- Earn a 5% commission on every
purchase that results from your direct referral
- Your web site
visitors see a new Featured Artist every day.
- Add value to your
site by introducing visitors to our collection.
- Your web site is added to Art-Cadre.com's
Links Page
- Joining is free.
How to Join
Become an Affiliate by completing our Affiliate program Form.
Once you are approved for our program, we will contact you with
information on how to get links and start earning commission!
If you have further questions, please
Contact us : Click here
Your personnal HTML code will be provided by email after filling the Affiliate program Form.
Join the Art-Cadre Affiliate
Program, Click