Ashtray - Cendrier MAGRITTE |
Publishing Year :
Media : Ceramics
Technique :
Edition : Numbered 1000 ex.
Support :
Signature : in the Plate/Stone |
Condition: never been framed (View Additional Images and Condition Description)
In a letter addressed in 1933 to a lady he was in correspondence with, Rene Magritte referred to his project for an ashtray (The Metamorphosis of the object) " Dear admirer, here is the bottom of the ashtray person wants to add on edge onto it, he can simply on a large white strip place several concentric circles of equal width, in the same shade of blue as in the drawing. I hope you will like it as much qs Bonaparte did Cleopatra. … Belgique seing you I yours ever."
The project was left as such when Magritte was alive and it was time, Flammarions deemed, the Metamorphosis should eventually be completed.
© 1990 by Adagp & Flammarion - Made in France
Dans une lettre qu'il adresse à l'une de ses proches en 1933, René Magritte présente son projet pour un cendrier (La Metamorphoses de l'objet) : " Chère admiratrice, voici le fond. Si la personne aux cendriers veut y mettre un bord, qu'elle fasse simplement sur une bande blanche des cercles d'épaisseurs égales de couleur bleue comme sur le dessin, j'espère qu'il vous plaira autant que Cléopatre plaisait à Bonaparte. A l'un de ces quatre et bien à vous."
C'est à ce projet jamais réalisé au vivant de l'artiste que Flammarions a décidé de donner le jour.
© 1990 by Adagp et Flammarion - Fabriqué en France
© All images are the property of the artists, the publishers and Gallery D&H GOOSSENS. They may not be reproduced without a written authorization of the artists, their assignees and the gallery. * Note: Applicable sales tax will be added for all European Union members residents. Read carefully Terms of Use regarding tax/vat details.